Quality of life in the Alps: Tell us what you think!

As part of the preparation of the 10th report on the state of the Alps, which was initiated by the Alpine Convention, we would like to know how satisfied you are with your quality of life, what your needs are and what you would like to change.

Are you satisfied with the quality of life in the Alpine region? What should be improved?

Quality of life in general describes both the living and framework conditions that are necessary for you to live and develop in a certain area, as well as your subjective perception of these conditions. As part of the preparation of the 10th report on the state of the Alps, which was initiated by the Alpine Convention, we would like to find out how satisfied you are with the quality of life in your living environment, what your needs are and what you would like to change. Your opinion will help us to develop recommendations for local, regional and national decision-makers and to initiate measures to improve living conditions in the Alps. The survey is conducted in the Alpine countries and is available until July 31, 2023 (https://1ka.arnes.si/eng). You can also choose between different language versions (in addition to German, English, Slovenian, Italian and French). For more information see https://www.alpconv.org/en/home/topics/quality-of-life/. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Contact persons at the Department of Geography and Regional Research:

Martin Heintel (martin.heintel@univie.ac.at) and Peter Rumpolt (peter.rumpolt@univie.ac.at).