Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 2001 - 2020 out of 2693
Aktuelle und prognostizierte Veränderungen von Gletschern und Permafrost in den Hochgebirgen Tajikistans
Martin Mergili
C. Kopf
J. F. Schneider
30. Jahrestagung des AK Klima
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
An indicator-based methodology for vulnerability assessment in alpine areas.
Maria Papathoma-Köhle
Melanie Kappes
Margreth Keiler
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
Anthropogenic influenced landscape: a multi-temporal analysis of high alpine catchments
Catrin Promper
Margreth Keiler
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
"Der Balkan - Aspekte der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung"
Heidrun Edlinger
Herbert Pichler
Talk or oral contribution
..2011 - ..
Distribution and susceptibility assessments of landslides triggered by Wenchuan earthquake using rare events logistic regression analyses
Shi Biao Bail
Thomas Glade
Rainer Bell
J. Wang
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
Dyke failure scenarios in Ubaye River, France using hydraulic modeling
Azadeh Ramesh
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Talk or oral contribution
..2011 - ..2011
Dyke failure scenarios in Ubaye River, France using hydraulic modeling
Azadeh Ramesh
Thomas Glade
Gabriel Parodi
Dinand Alkema
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
From Civil Protection Plan to Disaster Management. PETer evolution from GIS tool to multi-area Emergency Management System.
Simone Frigerio
Simone Sterlacchini
Jean-Philippe Malet
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
GeoWeb Services and risk communication - the "Mountain Risks" experience.
Simone Frigerio
Thomas Glade
Jean-Philippe Malet
Cees van Westen
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
GeoWeb Services and risk communication - the “Mountain Risks” experience
Simone Frigerio
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Talk or oral contribution
..2011 - ..2011
Improvement of vulnerability curves using data from extreme events: A debris-flow event in South Tyrol.
Maria Papathoma-Köhle
Margreth Keiler
Reinhold Totschnig
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (Journal)
Wolfgang Kainz
Editor of journal or series
..2011 - ..
Landslide inventories for reliable susceptibility maps
Helene Petschko
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Talk or oral contribution
..2011 - ..2011
Landslide inventories for reliable susceptibility maps
Helene Petschko
Rainer Bell
Philip Leopold
Gerhard Heiss
Thomas Glade
Second World Landslide Forum
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
Landslides in a multi-hazard context
Thomas Glade
Second World Landslide Forum
Talk or oral contribution
..2011 - ..2011
Landslides in a multi-hazard context.
Melanie Kappes
Thomas Glade
Nicht angegeben
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
Methodenentwicklung zur Gefährdungsmodellierung von gravitativen Massenbewegungen in Niederösterreich MoNOE
Helene Petschko
Rainer Bell
Thomas Glade
Klaus Granica
Herwig Proske
Philip Leopold
Gerhard Heiss
NÖ Geotage 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
Modelling landslide susceptibility in large and heterogeneous regions with generalised additive models: case study Lower Austria
Helene Petschko
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Talk or oral contribution
..2011 - ..2011
Modelling landslide susceptibility in large and heterogeneous regions with generalised additive models: case study Lower Austria
Helene Petschko
Rainer Bell
Alexander Brenning
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011
Poster presentation
..2011 - ..2011
Showing entries 2001 - 2020 out of 2693