Conferences and workshops

MIGRATION & MEMORY: Presentation of a young research field and of selected findings in the Austrian context

Christiane Hintermann
ESA International Conference “Researching Migration in Europe"
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
20.9.2010 - 20.9.2010

MIGRATION & MEMORY: Repräsentationen der jüngeren österreichischen Migrationsgeschichte in Schulbüchern und Ausstellungen

Christiane Hintermann
1. Jahrestagung der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung in Österreich
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
20.9.2010 - 20.9.2010

"Mobile StudentInnen, hochqualifizierte MigrantInnen", Wiener Forschungsfest im Riesenrad, 18.9.2010

Walter Matznetter
Talk or oral contribution
18.9.2010 - 18.9.2010

Motive, Erwartungen und Erfolgsfaktoren von Großschutzgebieten am Beispiel der Naturparke ("Erfolge und Schwierigkeiten im grenzüberschreitenden Naturschutz")

Norbert Weixlbaumer
Talk or oral contribution
14.9.2010 - 14.9.2010

"Walser's pride" - a mountain cheese as part of regional identity and regional development strategies in the biosphere reserve Großes Walsertal/Austria

Norbert Weixlbaumer
Talk or oral contribution
9.9.2010 - 9.9.2010

The city with the best quality of living worldwide

Gerhard Hatz
10th International Conference on Urban History
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
4.9.2010 - 4.9.2010

“Design and production of the Himachal Pradesh Topographic Overview Map, 1:500,000”

David Schobesberger
7.Workshop der ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
3.9.2010 - 3.9.2010

Impulsreferat: "Das Versagen der Raumordnung aus der Sicht der politischen Ökonomie"

Peter Weichhart
Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2010: Alpbacher Baukulturgespräche
Panel discussion, round table, Talk or oral contribution
3.9.2010 - 3.9.2010

Thinking Spatially: A Demographic Classification of European Regions

Roman Bauer
European Population Conference, Wien 2010
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.9.2010 - 2.9.2010

Konzepte der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung

Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
1.9.2010 - 1.9.2010

Unequal Relations in Ethnic Tourism in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Alexander Trupp
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2010 - 27.8.2010

From Rebels to Rulers and Legislators

Gunnar Stange
6th EuroSEAS Conference (European Association for South East Asian Studies)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.8.2010 - 28.8.2010

Lessons from Aceh - post-conflict developments re-assessed

Gunnar Stange , Antje Missbach
Lessons from Aceh - post-conflict developments re-assessed
Panel discussion, round table, Organisation of ...
26.8.2010 - 28.8.2010

Analysis of landslide distribution before and after 5.12 WenChuan Earthquake at Longnan in China

Thomas Glade
Talk or oral contribution
18.8.2010 - 18.8.2010

Analysis of landslide distribution before and after 5.12 WenChuan Earthquake at Longnan in China

Rainer Bell
Talk or oral contribution
18.8.2010 - 18.8.2010

"Terminologische Probleme der Multilokalitätsforschung"

Peter Weichhart
Workshop "Multilokalität"
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
22.7.2010 - 22.7.2010

Migration und Stadtentwicklung: Europäische Perspektiven

Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
20.7.2010 - 20.7.2010

Theorizing and evaluating Vienna's performance of quality spaces

Gerhard Hatz
24th AESOP Annual Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.7.2010 - 9.7.2010

Wegpunkte zu einer Theorie der Praxis des Geographieunterrichts

Clemens Wieser
Talk or oral contribution
8.7.2010 - 8.7.2010

Landslide hazard, vulnerability and risk - Current developments and new challenges

Thomas Glade
Talk or oral contribution
7.7.2010 - 7.7.2010