Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 2481 - 2500 out of 2693
Gender Mainstreaming in Site Development. Results from Lower Austria
Elisabeth Aufhauser
6th Meeting of the GenderAlp! Team: Results in Gender Planning
Talk or oral contribution
24.1.2007 - 24.1.2007
Risk governance
Thomas Glade
Research Training Network: Mountain Risk - Kick-Off Meeting, Paris
Talk or oral contribution
20.1.2007 - 20.1.2007
Es geht um eine Verstärkung dessen, was in der Region immer schon da war. Gleichstellung und innovationsorientierte Regionalentwicklung
Elisabeth Aufhauser
Talk or oral contribution
12.1.2007 - 12.1.2007
Calculating Factor of Safety for Regional Slope Stability Maps
Horst Meyenfeld
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
Combined use of aerial photographs and LIDAR elevation data to obtain large scale landslide inventory maps
Mirco Galli
Rainer Bell
Mauro Cardinali
Thomas Glade
Fausto Guzzetti
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
Combining historic information and high resolution DEMs to improve the understanding of today's maximum possible landslide events and its relevance for hazard assessment
Rainer Bell
Matthias Röhrs
Thomas Glade
Andreas Dix
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
Comparision of Different Sample Intervals in the loess/paleosol sequence of Stillfried B (Lower Austria)
Robert Peticzka
Dieter Riegler
Nicht angegeben
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
Deterministic landslide susceptibility analysis using SINMAP - a case study in the Swabian Alb
Benjamin Thiebes
Rainer Bell
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
Economic landslide risk analysis in the Swabian Alb (SW-Germany
Rainer Bell
Alexander Blöchl
Thomas Glade
Boris Braun
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
Employing historical CORONA satellite imagery for monitoring human impact on zones endangered by inundation, muddy floods and landslides
Stephan Seeling
Rainer Bell
Inga Gellweiler
Sasha Borens
Manuel Seeger
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
Risikoanalyse für Hangrutschungen an der Schwäbischen Alb
Rainer Bell
Alexander Blöchl
Thomas Glade
Boris Braun
Deutscher Geographentag 2007 Bayreuth
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
The "Mountain Risks" research project: challenges in risk governance
Thomas Glade
Stefan Greiving
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007
Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007
A dynamic risk approach for natural hazards within global change
Thomas Glade
Society of Risk Analysis, 2006 Annual Meeting "Risk Analysis in a Dynamic World - Making a Difference"
Talk or oral contribution
3.12.2006 - 3.12.2006
A dynamic risk approach for natural hazards within global change
Margreth Keiler
Society of Risk Analysis, 2006 Annual Meeting "Risk Analysis in a Dynamic World - Making a Difference"
Talk or oral contribution
3.12.2006 - 3.12.2006
Starke Frauen - starke Wirtschaft
Elisabeth Aufhauser
Enquete "ChancenGleich im Burgenland"
Talk or oral contribution
15.11.2006 - 15.11.2006
Regional Disparities and Regional Policy in the European Union
Martin Heintel
Talk or oral contribution
13.11.2006 - 13.11.2006
Zirkuläre Migration in Europa. Ein Überblick
Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
9.11.2006 - 9.11.2006
GenderAlp! Chancengleichheit in NÖ Wirtschaftsparks. Standort Industriezentrum NÖ Süd. Qualitäten und Herausforderungen.
Elisabeth Aufhauser
Projekt im Industriezentrum NÖ Süd
Talk or oral contribution
7.11.2006 - 7.11.2006
Der ,Innsbrucker Weg' - ein Beitrag zur 'dritten Säule'?
Peter Weichhart
Globaler Wandel - regionale Nachhaltigkeit
Talk or oral contribution
3.11.2006 - 3.11.2006
Was ist relevante Geographie heute
Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
3.11.2006 - 3.11.2006
Showing entries 2481 - 2500 out of 2693