Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 1621 - 1640 out of 2693
Rethinking Migration Policy in Austria
Heinz Faßmann
Migration and Integration – Global and Local Dimensions
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2013 - 19.9.2013
From integration to supremacy: post-conflict elections in Aceh, Indonesia, and their impact on the peace process
Gunnar Stange
Elections and Peace: Democratic Transitions in Ethnically Diverse Societies
Talk or oral contribution
13.9.2013 - 14.9.2013
From integration to supremacy: Post-conflict elections in Aceh, Indonesia, and their impact on the peace process
Gunnar Stange
Elections and Peace: Democratic Transitions in Ethnically Diverse Societies
Talk or oral contribution
13.9.2013 - 13.9.2013
Landslide risk and management strategies
Thomas Glade
International School Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Talk or oral contribution
12.9.2013 - 12.9.2013
Web-GIS for landslide risk.
Thomas Glade
International School Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Talk or oral contribution
12.9.2013 - 12.9.2013
Biodiversity offsets and ecological compensation: finding the missing link between green infrastructure and river restoration
Constantin Eduardo Pöll
The 5th European River Restoration Conference
Poster presentation
11.9.2013 - 13.9.2013
Gewinnung und Berufung ausländischer Wissenschaftler an der Universität Wien
Heinz Faßmann
Gewinnung und Berufung ausländischer Wissenschaftler im internationalen Vergleich
Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2013 - 10.9.2013
Land und Leute – Ländliche Räume, Identitäten und Widersprüche
Martin Heintel
6. Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz - "Nachhaltigkeit in Wert gesetzt"
Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2013 - 10.9.2013
CENTROPE – Social and economic linkages and/or cross-border governance in the Vienna-Bratislava Region
Walter Matznetter
EUGEO IV Conference in Rom (Association of Geographical Societies in Europe)
Talk or oral contribution
7.9.2013 - 7.9.2013
Religiöse und ethnische Diversität in Wien: Eine räumliche Analyse
Roman Bauer
Deutscher Geographentag
Talk or oral contribution
5.9.2013 - 5.9.2013
LARAM 2013 - LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Stefan Steger
LARAM 2013 - LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Summer/Winter school,
Participation in ...
2.9.2013 - 14.9.2013
An exploration of the role of human activity in the generation and maintenance of hummocky meadows (“Buckelwiesen” landscapes) in the European Alps
Christine Embleton-Hamann
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology
Talk or oral contribution
31.8.2013 - 31.8.2013
The Way is the Goal
Markus Breier
International Cartographic Conference
Talk or oral contribution
30.8.2013 - 30.8.2013
Crashkurs Raumordnung und Landesplanung in NRW
Hans-Heinrich Blotevogel
Landtag NRW
Talk or oral contribution
28.8.2013 - 28.8.2013
ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography at a Glance
Karel Kriz
26th International Cartographic Conference
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2013 - 27.8.2013
Probabilistic modelling of uncertainties in vulnerability assessment - application to hydro-meteorological hazards in the municipality of Malborghetto-Valbruna, Italy.
Roxana Liliana Ciurean
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2013 - 31.8.2013
Spatial and temporal patterns of landslide risk – a case study in Lower Austria.
Catrin Promper
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2013 - 31.8.2013
Spatio-temporal landslide dynamics and their contribution to the channel system from 1946 to 2011, Southern Ruahines, New Zealand.
Raphael Riedler
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2013 - 31.8.2013
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology
Stefan Steger
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology
Participation in ...
27.8.2013 - 31.8.2013
ENGAGE - Geomorphic Systems and Risk Research
Thomas Glade
Talk or oral contribution
20.8.2013 - 20.8.2013
Showing entries 1621 - 1640 out of 2693