Conferences and workshops

A Meta-Evaluation of User Studies on Web-delivered Cartographies

David Schobesberger
25th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2011)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
3.7.2011 - 3.7.2011

Landslide hazard and risk - new challenges of extremes

Thomas Glade
Talk or oral contribution
28.6.2011 - 28.6.2011

Paper Presentation: Shrinking cities on Russia's Arctic Frontier. Case study of Vorkuta

Elena Vladimirovna Nuikina
Talk or oral contribution
26.6.2011 - 26.6.2011

Paper presentation: Becoming a long distance commute worker in the Russian North: Students at the Ufa State Petroleum

Elisabeth Öfner
7th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VII)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2011 - 25.6.2011

Paper Presentation: "Intraregional long-distance commuting as an alternative strategy of sustaining mono-industrial communities of the Russian North"

Elena Vladimirovna Nuikina
Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2011 - 25.6.2011

Seeing Long-Distance Commute Work from an Ethnographic Angle. Russian Oil and Gas Workers on the Move. ICASS VII, Akureyri, IS

Gertrude Saxinger
7th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VII)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2011 - 25.6.2011

Vom Konsum in Räumen zum Konsum von Räumen. Funktionswandel und neue Bedeutungen der Wiener City.

Gerhard Hatz
Talk or oral contribution
22.6.2011 - 22.6.2011

Organisation im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe. "Mentoring Lecture Series. Empowering women to develop academic careers". "Thin film solar cells".

Elisabeth Aufhauser
nowaGEA Mentoring Lecture Series, Wien
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
21.6.2011 - 21.6.2011

Strategien für den "Überlebensraum" Alpen? Das Beispiel des Biosphärenparks Großes Walsertal (ÖGG-Vorträge SS 2011)

Norbert Weixlbaumer
Talk or oral contribution
21.6.2011 - 21.6.2011

Strategien für den "Überlebensraum" Alpen? Das Beispiel des Biosphärenparks Großes Walsertal (ÖGG-Vorträge SS 2011)

Peter Alexander Rumpolt
Talk or oral contribution
21.6.2011 - 21.6.2011

Narrative und Gegennarrative. Erzählungen österreichischer Migrationsgeschichte/n in Ausstellungen

Christiane Hintermann
Migration und Kultur
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
18.6.2011 - 18.6.2011

Landslide Risk Assessments - Ansätze der Risiken gravitativer Massenbewegungen

Thomas Glade
Talk or oral contribution
10.6.2011 - 10.6.2011

Tag der Angewandten Geographie; Motto: GeographInnen und ihr Arbeitsmarkt

Martin Heintel
Talk or oral contribution
27.5.2011 - 27.5.2011

Lives and social spaces of long-distance commute workers in the north-western Siberian oil and gas industry. Vienna

Gertrude Saxinger
Talk or oral contribution
26.5.2011 - 26.5.2011

Whatever happened to Acehnese ethno-nationalism?

Gunnar Stange
3rd International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.5.2011 - 26.5.2011

3rd International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies

Gunnar Stange
3rd International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies
Conference, Organisation of ...
25.5.2011 - 26.5.2011

Organisation im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe. "Mentoring Lecture Series. Empowering women to develop academic careers". "The Limits of Growth of Biomass".

Elisabeth Aufhauser
nowaGEA Mentoring Lecture Series, Wien
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
24.5.2011 - 24.5.2011

Paper presentation: "The research Project Lives on the Move – Vakhtoviki in North-Western Siberia and the Republic of Komi"

Elisabeth Öfner
Conference: Developments in Education: Theory and Practice, GANU, Institut for Regional Research, Sibay, Russia
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
19.5.2011 - 19.5.2011

Satellitendaten und Datenprodukte für ökologische Fragestellungen. Fallbeispiele aus dem subsaharischen Afrika

Cyrus Samimi
Jahrestagung des AK Subsaharisches Afrika
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
14.5.2011 - 14.5.2011

Tag der OÖ Lebensmittel. "Erfolgsfaktor Regionalität"

Peter Weichhart
Talk or oral contribution
9.5.2011 - 9.5.2011