Dipl.-Ing. Philip Krassnitzer
Dipl.-Ing. Philip Krassnitzer
University Assistant Prae-doc
Department of Geography and Regional Research
Universitätsstr. 7/5, D510
1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-4277-48682
Email: philip.krassnitzer@univie.ac.at
Office hours: appointments via e-mail
See course catalogue
I am a doctoral candidate in the spatial research and spatial planning working group since September 2024. My research interest lies in understanding complex spatial interrelations and transformation processes at the local and regional levels. In my dissertation project, I examine the interfaces and design of strategic planning processes for socio-spatial transformation in hybrid landscapes.
Before joining the research group, I studied spatial planning at the Vienna University of Technology and urban and regional planning at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul. Subsequently, I worked in a private planning office and as a project assistant and later as an external lecturer in the research unit of local planning at TU Vienna.