Dipl.-Ing. Helena Schuch, B.Sc. BA MA

Universitätsassistentin Prae-doc


Department of Geography and Regional Research
Universitätsstr. 7/5, D503
1010 Vienna

Tel.: +43-1-4277-48688

Email: helena.schuch@univie.ac.at


Office hours: appointments via e-mail




I am a doctoral candidate in the spatial research and spatial planning working group since September 2024. In my doctoral project, I am concerned with sustainable transport planning, justice in spatial planning and questions of responsibility for the environmental impacts of land use.

Interdisciplinary approaches are necessary for researching this range of topics. My goal is therefore to combine my previous studies, and translate the findings of different disciplines both for teaching and for applying them in spatial research. Before starting the position as a university assistant, I studied Environment and Bio-Resources Management at BOKU University, where I specialised in the field of transport and mobility. I simultaneously studied philosophy (BA) in Vienna and Seville and Philosophy & Economics (MA) at the University of Vienna. Meanwhile, I worked for an environmental organisation in the field of sustainable mobility.