Johannes Richter; BSc.

Department of Geography and Regional Research

Working Group Urban Studies

Student Project Assistant

Universitätsstraße 7, 5th Floor, Room D0519

1010 Vienna, Austria

Tel.: +43 1 4277 48782



I hold a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from Stuttgart. My interest in social issues in the context of climate change subsequently led me to a bachelor in Geography, where I discovered my fascination for urban areas. Currently, I am the Master Programme Spatial Research and Spatial Planning at the University of Vienna. I am particularly interested in sustainable transformations in urban mobility systems and socio-economic structural change. As a student project assistant in the Urban Studies working group, I am supporting the “Zoonosis Emergence - across Degraded and Restored Forest Ecosystems” (ZOE). The focus of ZOE is on international case studies in Slovenia, Slovakia, Costa Rica and Guatemala, which allows me to look outside of Central Europe and gain valuable new insights.