Postdoctoral Researcher

Department of Geography and Regional Research

Universitätsstraße 7, 5th floor, Room: D0504

1010 Vienna, Austria


Phone: +43-1-4277-48629

E-Mail: simon.baumgartinger-seiringer[at]


Teaching at the University of Vienna

Course catalogue

Personal details

Simon Baumgartinger-Seiringer is a postdoctoral researcher in Economic Geography at the University of Vienna. He holds a Master's degree in Geography, Economics and History (teacher training) and a Doctoral degree in Economic Geography. His research is concerned with the innovation-based restructuring of regions. In particular, he is interested in systemic and integrative perspectives on industrial path development and regional innovation system dynamics. Currently, he works in the Horizon Europe project 'RIS4Danu', investigating development strategies for sustainable and inclusive regional transitions in different locations within the Danube-Macro-Region (from the Black Forrest to the Black Sea).

Main research interests

  • Geography of Innovation
  • Systemic perspectives on regional structural change
  • Sustainable and inclusive regional transitions
  • Regional innovation policy



Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S. (2021). The role of powerful incumbent firms: shaping regional industrial path development through change and maintenance agency. (pp. 1-26). Papers in Economic Geography and Innovation Studies (PEGIS) Vol. 2021 No. 07

Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R., & Trippl, M. (2021). When history does not matter? The rise of Quebec’s wine industry. (pp. 1-46). Papers in Economic Geography and Innovation Studies (PEGIS) Vol. 2021 No. 05

Trippl, M., Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Goracinova, E., & Wolfe, D. A. (2020). Automotive regions in transition: preparing for connected and automated vehicles. (pp. 1-19). Papers in Economic Geography and Innovation Studies (PEGIS) Vol. 2020 No. 02

Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Fünfschilling, L., Miörner, J., & Trippl, M. (2020). Reconsidering structural conditions: Institutional infrastructure for innovation-based industrial path renewal. (pp. 1-21). Papers in Economic Geography and Innovation Studies (PEGIS) Vol. 2020 No. 01

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