Activities (conferences, talks)
Long-term dynamics of carbon and water fluxes of an alpine bog in Eastern Austria
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Conference Power to the Peatlands
Talk or oral contribution
20.9.2023 - 20.9.2023
Greenhouse gas fluxes and their drivers in re-wetted European peatlands
Kyle Boodoo
Conference Power to the Peatlands
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2023 - 19.9.2023
Investigating the impact of peat land degradation: A lipid biomarker analysis
Nasreen Jeelani
Katharina Fischer
Stephan Glatzel
Poster presentation
19.9.2023 - 21.9.2023
Die rolle der Moore im Klimawandel - wie fängt Moorschutz im Garten an?
Stephan Glatzel
BUND MARKDORF - Die Rolle der Moore im Klimawandel - wie fängt Moorschutz im Garten an?
Talk or oral contribution
27.7.2023 - 27.7.2023
Die Rolle von Mooren im Klimawandel
Raphael Müller
Moortagung 2023
Talk or oral contribution
27.6.2023 - 27.6.2023
Moortagung 2023
Stephan Glatzel
Moortagung 2023 - Webinar<br/>Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz
Talk or oral contribution
27.6.2023 - 27.6.2023
Carbon fluxes in the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl
Pamela Alessandra Baur
ICOS Summer School 2023
Summer/Winter school,
Poster presentation
28.5.2023 - 28.5.2023
Peatland perspectives – Paludiculture
Stephan Glatzel
FNR - Peatland perspectives – Online workshop series
Talk or oral contribution
23.5.2023 - 23.5.2023
Consequences of drying-out of Lake Neusiedl on the GHG budget of the reed belt
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Andreas Maier
Thomas Zechmeister
Stephan Glatzel
EGU, General Assembly 2023
Talk or oral contribution
28.4.2023 - 28.4.2023
Litter mixing leads to the formation of a common decomposition pattern in a bog ecosystem
Raphael Müller
EGU, General Assembly 2023
Talk or oral contribution
26.4.2023 - 26.4.2023
Seasonal and diurnal patterns in Greenhouse Gas fluxes from re-wetted European peatlands
Kyle Boodoo
European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2023
Talk or oral contribution
25.4.2023 - 25.4.2023
Is this settlement intersected by a ditch? A comparison between magnetic prospection data, ALS data, and archaeological and geological excavation results from the Early Bronze Age fortified hilltop settlement of Ratzersdorf, Lower Austria
Doris Jetzinger
Alexandra Krenn-Leeb
Volker Lindinger
Ronny Weßling
Mandana Peresson
Robert Supper
Reinhard Rötzel
Robert Peticzka
15th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection ICAP 2023
Talk or oral contribution
28.3.2023 - 1.4.2023
Webinar - “Climate and Water across Generations to Accelerate Change”
Stephan Glatzel
“Climate and Water across Generations to Accelerate Change”
Talk or oral contribution
22.3.2023 - 22.3.2023
Carbon fluxes in the Phragmites australis dominated reed belt of shallow saline Lake Neusiedl
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Talk or oral contribution
10.2.2023 - 10.2.2023
Carbon fluxes in the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Andreas Maier
Thomas Zechmeister
Stephan Glatzel
LTER Austria Konferenz 2022
Poster presentation
10.11.2022 - 10.11.2022
Carbon and water fluxes in the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution (VDSEE) Retreat
Talk or oral contribution
8.10.2022 - 8.10.2022
Carbon fluxes in the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Andreas Maier
Thomas Zechmeister
Stephan Glatzel
Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution (VDSEE) Retreat
Poster presentation
8.10.2022 - 8.10.2022
Seasonal variations in CO2 and CH4 fluxes of the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Andreas Maier
Thomas Zechmeister
Stephan Glatzel
Geographie-Werkstatt Österreich
Poster presentation
20.9.2022 - 20.9.2022
13C-labeled artificial root exudates are immediately respired in a peat mesocosm study
Raphael Müller
Geographie-Werkstatt Österreich
Poster presentation
20.9.2022 - 20.9.2022
Kohlenstoffflüsse im Schilfgürtel des Neusiedler Sees
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Andreas Maier
Thomas Zechmeister
Stephan Glatzel
Eröffnungsfeier der Core Facility LTWER
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2022 - 19.9.2022