Activities (conferences, talks)

Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 87

Herausforderungen bei der Abschätzung von Emissionsfaktoren landwirtschaftlich genutzter, organischer Böden in Österreich

Stephan Glatzel
8. Arbeitsforum Treibhausgasbilanzierung und Klimaschutz in der Landwirtschaft
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.10.2018 - 9.10.2018

Ecosystem dynamics in the Pürgschachen bog, Austria

Stephan Glatzel
Plant Ecology and environmental conservation
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
4.10.2018 - 4.10.2018

LTER-CWN: Infrastrukturen für die österreichische Ökosystemforschung

Stephan Glatzel
LTER-Austria Konferenz 2018
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2018 - 25.6.2018

Disentangling the effects of discharge and temperature on CO2 production in the hyporheic zone of an alpine stream

Kyle Boodoo , Christian S. Schmidt , Tom Battin , Jakob Schelker , Nico Trauth
EGU General Assembly 2018
Seminar/Workshop, Poster presentation
8.4.2018 - 8.4.2018

Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Moore in Österreich

Stephan Glatzel
Talk or oral contribution
26.1.2018 - 26.1.2018

Carbon cycling and peatland degradation of an Alpine peat bog

Simon Drollinger , Andreas Maier , Stephan Glatzel
Car­bon Cyc­ling in Boreal Peat­lands and Cli­mate Change II – Hyytiälä re­vis­ited
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
25.9.2017 - 29.9.2017

oral presentation

Nasreen Jeelani
12th INTECOL International Congress of Ecology, Beijing, China, 2017.
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
21.8.2017 - 25.8.2017

CO2- und CH4-Flüsse typischer Pflanzenzusammensetzungen eines österreichischen Hochmoores

Simon Drollinger , Andreas Maier , Asaad Saad , Jasmin Karer , Stephan Glatzel
18. Österreichischer Klimatag, Climate Change Centre Austria
Conference, Poster presentation
24.5.2017 - 24.5.2017

Seasonal variations in CO2 and CH4 fluxes of four different plant compositions of a Sphagnum-dominated Alpine peat bog

Simon Drollinger , Andreas Maier , Jasmin Karer , Stephan Glatzel
EGU General Assembly 2017
Conference, Poster presentation
28.4.2017 - 28.4.2017

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope depth profiles in Alpine peat bogs are predominantly governed by decomposition processes

Simon Drollinger , Yakov Kuzyakov , Stephan Glatzel
EGU General Assembly 2017
Conference, Poster presentation
28.4.2017 - 28.4.2017

The potential of paludiculture in Austria

Jasmin Karer , Simon Drollinger , Stephan Glatzel
2nd International Conference on the Utilisation of Wetland Plants “Renewable Resources from Wet and Rewetted Peatlands”
Conference, Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017


Nasreen Jeelani
10th INTECOL International Wetland Conference, Changshu, China, 2016
Conference, Poster presentation
19.9.2016 - 24.9.2016

Oral Presentation

Nasreen Jeelani
Talk or oral contribution
29.6.2016 - 29.6.2016

CO2 and CH4 fluxes of an Alpine peatland during extraordinary summer drought

Simon Drollinger , Stephan Glatzel
EGU General Assembly 2016
Conference, Poster presentation
18.4.2016 - 18.4.2016

Greenhouse gas exchange of rewetting fens

Stephan Glatzel
Geography Seminar
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
4.12.2015 - 4.12.2015

Kennen wir die Treibhausgasbilanz der Moore Österreichs?

Stephan Glatzel
Expertenworkshop Moorforschung und Moorschutz
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
12.11.2015 - 12.11.2015

Carbon cycle and peat degradation of Alpine peat bogs

Simon Drollinger , Stephan Glatzel
International Summer School of the DBG Working Group Soil Gases: “Soil-Borne Greenhouse Gases: From Field Data to Publication“
Summer/Winter school, Poster presentation
1.9.2015 - 1.9.2015

Extraction, Drainage, flooding - Patterns of greenhuose gas turnover in restoring temperate peastlands

Stephan Glatzel
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.8.2015 - 25.8.2015

Oral Presentation

Nasreen Jeelani
17th International Conference On Water and Environmental Science
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.8.2015 - 7.8.2015

Poster Presentation

Nasreen Jeelani
IWA Symposium on Lake and Reservoir<br/>Management 2015
Conference, Poster presentation
4.8.2015 - 4.8.2015

Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 87