Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 221
Müller R, Zahorka A, Holawe F, Inselsbacher E, Glatzel S. Litter mixing effects: temporal development of decomposition pattern of bog litter. 2023.
Baur PA, Maier A, Glatzel S. Long-term dynamics of carbon and water fluxes of an alpine bog in Eastern Austria. 2023. Conference Power to the Peatlands, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Buchsteiner C, Baur PA, Glatzel S. Spatial Analysis of Intra-Annual Reed Ecosystem Dynamics at Lake Neusiedl Using RGB Drone Imagery and Deep Learning. Remote Sensing. 2023 Aug;15(16):3961. doi: 10.3390/rs15163961
Baur PA, Müller R, Glatzel S. Carbon fluxes and sediment properties of the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl. 2023.
Müller R, Zahorka A, Holawe F, Glatzel S. Litter mixing leads to the formation of a common decomposition pattern in a bog ecosystem. 2023. EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Austria. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13256
Baur PA, Maier A, Zechmeister T, Glatzel S. Consequences of drying-out of Lake Neusiedl on the GHG budget of the reed belt. 2023. EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Austria. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7710
Müller R, Peticzka R, Inselsbacher E. Applicability of the microdialysis technique in dry soils: Impact of soil water content depends on perfusion flow rate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2023 Feb;177:108903. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108903
Jetzinger D, Krenn-Leeb A, Lindinger V, Weßling R, Peresson M, Supper R et al. Is this settlement intersected by a ditch? A comparison between magnetic prospection data, ALS data, and archaeological and geological excavation results from the Early Bronze Age fortified hilltop settlement of Ratzersdorf, Lower Austria. In Wunderlich T, Hadler H, Blankenfeldt R, editors, Advances in On- and Offshore Archaeological Prospection: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Kiel: Kiel University Publishing. 2023. p. 143-147 doi: 10.38072/978-3-928794-83-1/p27
Gillespie LM, Triches NY, Abalos D, Finke P, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Glatzel S et al. Land inclination controls CO2 and N2O fluxes, but not CH4 uptake, in a temperate upland forest soil. SOIL. 2023;9(2):517-531. doi: 10.5194/soil-9-517-2023
Baur PA, Henry Pinilla D. Measurements of methane ebullition and diffusion fluxes, and water parameters at Lake Neusiedl: March-July 2021. 2023. doi: 10.25365/phaidra.424
Buchsteiner C, Baur PA. Spatial and intra-annual datasets on reed ecosystem dynamics at Lake Neusiedl of 2021 using RGB drone imagery, Phenocam and Deep Learning. 2023. doi: 10.25365/PHAIDRA.397
An S, Yin S, .Verhoeven JTA, Jeelani N. Wetlands. In Ian D J, John P S, editors, Wetzel's Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems. 4. ed. Amsterdam: Academic Press. 2023. p. 999-1013 doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-822701-5.00029-X
Pöppl R, Glatzel S, Hintermann C, Humer A, Kounadi O, Krellenberg K. 5. Geographie-Werkstatt "The 'Grand Challenge' in der Geographie". Geographie Aktuell. 2023;55(I/2023).
Buczko U, Jurasinski G, Glatzel S, Karstens S. Blue Carbon in Coastal Phragmites Wetlands Along the Southern Baltic Sea. Estuaries and Coasts. 2022 Nov;45(7):2274-2282. Epub 2022 May 4. doi: 10.1007/s12237-022-01085-7
Müller R. The fate of 13c labeled artificial root exudates in a peat mesocosm study. 2022. Geographie-Werkstatt Österreich, Wien, Austria.
Müller R, Maier A, Inselsbacher E, Peticzka R, Wang G, Glatzel S. 13C-Labeled Artificial Root Exudates Are Immediately Respired in a Peat Mesocosm Study. Diversity. 2022 Sept;14(9):735. doi: 10.3390/d14090735
Weber TKD, Fiedler J, Fuß R, Glatzel S, Huth V, Jordan S et al. Introduction of a guideline for measurements of greenhouse gas fluxes from soils using non-steady-state chambers. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 2022 Aug;185(4):447-461. Epub 2022 Jun 29. doi: 10.1002/jpln.202200199
Feng H, Qiao Y, Xia L, Yang W, Zhao Y, Jeelani N et al. The responses of soil bacterial and archaeal communities to coastal embankments in three typical salt marshes of Eastern China. Plant and soil. 2022 Aug;477(1-2):439-459. doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05423-3
Qin G, Feng H, Zhao H, Xia L, Yang W, Zhao Y et al. Seasonal soil-plant nitrogen dynamics of a cordgrass salt marsh in response to coastal embankments in Eastern China. Frontiers in Marine Science . 2022 Jul 25;9:959144. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.959144