Aktuelle Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe

Ayanlade A, Jegede MO, Borisade PB. Geoinformatics in Eco-Climatic Studies. in Khosrow-Pour M, Hrsg., Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. 3. Aufl. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 2015. S. 3136-3144 doi: DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch307

Stange G. Arahmaiani im Dialog mit der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Frankfurter Forschung / Arahmaiani in Dialogue with Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Frankfurt. in Stange G, Kraus W, Hrsg., Arahmaiani - Violence No More: Austellungskatalog zur Ausstellung "Violence No More" der Künstlerin Arahmaiani vom 12.10. bis 25.10.2015 im Haus am Dom, Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main. 2015. S. 43-59

Hillmann F, Pahl M, Rafflenbeul B, Sterly H. Conclusion: Linking Migration, Environmental Change and Adaptation - Lessons Learnt. in Hillmann F, Pahl M, Rafflenbeul B, Sterly H, Hrsg., Environmental Change, Adaptation and Migration: bringing in the region. Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. S. 283-290

Sakdapolrak P, Greiner C, Bunchuay-Peth SA. Deciphering migration in the age of climate change: Towards an understanding of translocal relations in social-ecological systems. TransRe (Translocal Resilience Project), Department of Geography, University of Bonn. 2015. doi: 10.13140/2.1.4402.9765

Stange G. Den Ismen auf den Zahn fühlen – Anmerkungen zu Linda Christanty. in Linda Christanty: Schreib ja nicht, dass wir Terroristen sind: Essays zu Politik, Gender und Islam von Banda Aceh bis Berlin. Horlemann Verlag . 2015. S. 9-20

Hillmann F, (ed.), Pahl M, (ed.), Rafflenbeul B, (ed.), Sterly H, (ed.). Environmental Change, Adaptation and Migration: Bringing in the Region. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. doi: 10.1057/9781137538918

Sakdapolrak P, Ergler RC, Bohle H-G, Kearns R. From Effective Cure to Affective Care: Access Barriers and Entitlements to Health Care Among Urban Poor in Chennai, India. in Geographies of Development and Health. Farnham: Ashgate. 2015. S. 93-114

Stange G, (ed.), Jordan R, (ed.), Kristina G, (ed.). Handbuch Indonesien. Horlemann Verlag , 2015. 400 S.

Sakdapolrak P, Afifi T, Milan A, Etzold B, Schraven B, Rademacher-Schulz C et al. Human mobility in response to rainfall variability: opportunities for migration as a successful adaptation strategy in eight case studies. Migration and Development. 2015;5(2):254-274. doi: 10.1080/21632324.2015.1022974

Hillmann F, Pahl M, Rafflenbeul B, Sterly H. Introduction: (Re-)locating the Nexus of Migration, Environmental Change and Adaptation. in Hillmann F, Pahl M, Rafflenbeul B, Sterly H, Hrsg., Environmental Change, Adaptation and Migration: bringing in the region. Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. S. 1-17