Aktuelle Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe

Sakdapolrak P, Stange G, Sterly H. Bevölkerungsdynamiken im Kontext des globalen Umweltwandels. in Braun B, Helbrecht I, Schneider-Sliwa R, Wehrhahn R, Hrsg., Humangeographie. Braunschweig: Westermann. 2021. S. 149-158. (Compass: das geographische Seminar ).

Sakdapolrak P, Borderon M. Vulnerabilität und Gesundheit. in Schneider-Sliwa R, Braun B, Helbrecht I, Hrsg., Das Geographische Seminar - Humangeographie . Braunschweig: Westermann. 2021. S. 111-120

Durand-Delacre D, Bettini G, Nash SL, Sterly H, Gioli G, Hut E et al. Climate Migration is About People, not Numbers. in Böhm S, Sullivan S, Hrsg., Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. 2021. S. 63-81

Sterly H, Wirkus L. Mobilfunkdaten: Forschungsethische Probleme bei der Arbeit mit Mobilfunkdaten in Kontexten von Migration und Flucht. in Bork-Hüffer T, Füller H, Straube T, Hrsg., Handbuch Digitale Geographien: Welt - Wissen - Werkzeuge. UTB. 2021. S. 343-353

Ayanlade A, Jeje OD, Nwaezeigwe JO, Orimoogunje OOI, Olokeogun OS. Rainfall seasonality effects on vegetation greenness in different ecological zones. Environmental Challenges. 2021 Aug;4:100144. doi: 10.1016/j.envc.2021.100144

Hermans K, Berger E, Biber-Freudenberg L, Bossenbroek L, Ebeler L, Groth J et al. Crisis-induced disruptions in place-based social-ecological research – an opportunity for redirection. GAIA - Ökologische Perspektiven in Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. 2021 Jul 14;30(2):72-76. doi: 10.14512/gaia.30.2.3

Atai G, Ayanlade A, Oluwatimilehin IA, Ayanlade OS. Geospatial Distribution and Projection of Aerosol over Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessment from Remote Sensing and Other Platforms. Aerosol Science and Engineering . 2021 Jul 12;5:357–372. doi: 10.1007/s41810-021-00107-4

Borderon M, Reboul L, Assefa N. Making use of disaggregated poverty data to unravel the risk of immobility in a drought-prone area of Ethiopia. 2021. Beitrag in Unsettling Development, East Anglia, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich.

Ayanlade A, Oluwatimilehin IA, Oladimeji, AA, Atai G, Agbalajobi DT. Climate Change Adaptation Options in Farming Communities of Selected Nigerian Ecological Zones. in Filho WL, Hrsg., African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. Cham: Springer. 2021. S. 297-313 doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-45106-6_156

Borderon M, Reboul L, Assefa N, Doignon Y. Using longitudinal disaggregated data to unravel the patterns of (im)mobility in a drought-prone area of Ethiopia. 2021. Beitrag in International Population Conference, Indien.

Mustonen T, (ed.), Harper R, (ed.), G. Rivera-Ferre M, (ed.), Ayanlade A, (ed.), C. Postigo J, (ed.), A. Benjaminsen T, (ed.) et al. 2021 Compendium of Indigenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge: Towards Inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge in Global Reports on Climate Change. Kontiolahti: Snowchange Cooperative, 2021. 38 S.

Ayanlade A, Nwayor IJ, Sergi C, Ayanlade OS, Di Carlo P, Jeje OD et al. Early warning climate indices for malaria and meningitis in tropical ecological zones. Scientific Reports. 2020 Dez 27;1-3. doi: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-71094-8