Aktuelle Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe
Sasiwongsaroj K, Husa K, Wohlschlägl H. Graying Southeast Asia – Demographic aging between success story and multilevel challenge. in Sasiwongsaroj K, Husa K, Wohlschlägl H, Hrsg., Migration, Ageing, Aged Care and the Covid-19 Pandemic in Asia: Case Studies from Thailand and Japan. Wien: Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung. 2022. S. 11-51. (Abhandlungen zur Geographie und Regionalforschung, Band 24).
Sasiwongsaroj K, Husa K, Wohlschlägl H. Migration, Ageing, Aged Care and the Covid-19 Pandemic in Asia: Case Studies from Thailand and Japan. Wien: Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, 2022. 304 S. (Abhandlungen zur Geographie und Regionalforschung, Band 24).
Butratana K, Trupp A, Husa K. Intersections of Tourism, Cross-border Marriage, and Retirement Migration in Thailand. in Bloch N, Adams K, Hrsg., Intersections of Tourism, Migration, and Exile. 1 Aufl. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2022
Sterly H, Wirkus L. Analysing refugees’ secondary mobility using mobile phone Call Detail Records (CDR). in Salah AA, Korkmaz EE, Bircan T, Hrsg., Data Science for Migration and Mobility. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2022. S. 99-120. (Proceedings of the British Academy, Band 251).
Pagogna R, Nicol A, Kotchofa P. Moving out, moving up? Stories of rural women migrating from Thailand and Kyrgyzstan 2022.
Ayanlade A, Oluwaranti A, Ayanlade OS, Borderon M, Sterly H, Sakdapolrak P et al. Extreme climate events in sub-Saharan Africa: A call for improving agricultural technology transfer to enhance adaptive capacity. Climate Services. 2022 Aug;27:100311. doi: 10.1016/j.cliser.2022.100311
Ayanlade A, Oladimeji, AA, Okegbola OM, Eludoyin AO, Eslamian S, Ayinde AFO et al. Effect of Climate Change on Water Availability and Quality: An Assessment of Socio-Resilience in Nigeria. in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience. Cham: Springer. 2022. S. 245–262
Zander K, Garnett S, Sterly H, Ayeb-Karlsson S, Šedová B, Lotze-Campen H et al. Topic modelling exposes disciplinary divergence in research on the nexus between human mobility and the environment. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2022 Feb 1;9(1):34. doi: 10.1057/s41599-022-01038-2
Trisos CH, Adelekan IO, Totin E, Ayanlade A, Efitre J, Gemeda A et al. Africa. in Pörtner HO, Roberts DC, Poloczanska ES, Mintenbeck K, Tignor M, Alegriá A, Craig M, Langsdorf S, Löschke S, Möller V, Okem A, Rama B, Hrsg., IPCC Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. : Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2022. S. 1285-1455
Sakdapolrak P, Pagogna R, Diniega R. Covid-19, Migration und Translokalität. Geographische Rundschau (GR). 2022;74(5):14-17.
Butsch C, Sakdapolrak P. Gesundheit und Krankheit im Entwicklungskontext. in Geographien der Gesundheit: Beiträge zum 50-jährigen Bestehen des Arbeitskreises Medizinische Geographie und Geographische Gesundheitsforschung in der DGfG. Band 6. 2022. S. 85-98. (Geographische Gesundheitsforschung).
Brazeau S, Vignolles C, Krishnamurthy RS, Trtanj J, Haynes J, Ramage S et al. Needs, Challenges, and Opportunities: A Review by Experts. in Earth Observation, Public Health and One Health: Activities, Challenges and Opportunities. Wallingford: CABI Publishing. 2022. S. 93-103 doi: 10.1079/9781800621183.0003
Weldemariam LF, Sakdapolrak P, Ayanlade A. The impact of migration on food security in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: The role of migration patterns and remittances. Erdkunde: Archiv für wissenschaftliche Geographie. 2022;76(4):271-288. doi: 10.3112/erdkunde.2022.04.03
Paredes Grijalva D, Diniega R. Thinking of Environmental Migration through Translocality & Mobilities. in Schiocchet L, Nölle-Karimi C, Hrsg., Forced Migration Studies: Current Interventions. 13 Aufl. Band 1. 2022. S. 177-187. (ROR-n Plattform). doi: 10.1553/RoR-n_Plattform_Vol_01(3)
Borderon M, Ludwig A, Brazeau S. Vulnerable Populations. in Earth Observation, Public Health and One Health Activities, Challenges and Opportunities . CABI Publishing. 2022. S. 66-77 doi: 10.1079/9781800621183.0000
Borderon M, Best K, Bailey K, Hopping D, Dove M, Cervantes de Blois C. The risks of invisibilization of populations and places in environment-migration research. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2021 Dez 6;8(1):314. doi: 10.1057/s41599-021-00999-0
Diniega R, Paredes Grijalva MD. Technically not a ‘climate refugee’: legal frameworks, advocacy and self-identification Routed Magazine. 2021.
AYANLADE A, AIGBIREMOLEN MI, OLADOSU OR. Variations in urban land surface temperature intensity over four cities in different ecological zones. Scientific Reports. 2021 Okt 15;11:20537. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-99693-z
Sakdapolrak P, Stange G, Sterly H. Bevölkerungsdynamiken im Kontext des globalen Umweltwandels. in Braun B, Helbrecht I, Schneider-Sliwa R, Wehrhahn R, Hrsg., Humangeographie. Braunschweig: Westermann. 2021. S. 149-158. (Compass: das geographische Seminar ).
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