Current international publications of the working group
Voßbeck, N. I., & Fastenrath, S. (2024). How resilient are regional industrial decarbonization pathways? Insights from the building materials industry in Lower Austria. Progress in Economic Geography, Artikel 100019.
Trippl, M., Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., & Kastrup, J. (2024). Challenge-oriented regional innovation systems: towards a research agenda. Investigaciones Regionales, 60(2024/3), 105-116.
Trippl, M., Benner, M., & Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S. (2024). Regionale Innovations- und Wirtschaftspolitik in Zeiten transformativen Wandels: Der CORIS-Ansatz als Orientierungsrahmen. Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie, 48(4), 286-292.
Trippl, M., Fastenrath, S., & Isaksen, A. (2024). Rethinking regional economic resilience: Preconditions and processes shaping transformative resilience. European Urban and Regional Studies, 31(2), 101-115.
Giustolisi, A. (2024). The role of scientists in regional innovation system transformation: shaping the direction to a biomass-bioeconomy. Industry and Innovation. Vorzeitige Online-Publikation.
Fastenrath, S. (2024). Europas Städte erfinden sich neu: Erneuerungen in Zeiten großer gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Geographische Rundschau (GR), 2024(1-2), 4-9.
Fastenrath, S., & Haindlmaier, G. (2024). Wien - Vorreiterin der urbanen Kreislaufwirtschaft ? Geographische Rundschau (GR), 2024(1-2), 20-23.
Benner, M. (2024). An ideational turn in economic geography? Progress in Economic Geography, 2(1).
Benner, M., & Shilo, S. (2024). Discourse as a carrier of history: wine tourism in the Negev and its evolution. European Planning Studies, 32(4), 739-759.
Steinböck, N., & Trippl, M. (2023). The thorny road towards green path development: the case of bioplastics in Lower Austria. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 10(1), 735-749.
Lemke, L. K.-G., Hanger-Kopp, S., & Beier, J. (2023). A Systematic Mapping Approach to Stakeholder Identification. Manuskript zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.
Lemke, L. K.-G., Sakdapolrak, P., & Trippl, M. (2023). Unresolved issues in regional economic resilience: Conceptual ways forward. Progress in Human Geography, 47(5), 699-717.
Gollagher, P., & Fastenrath, S. (2023). Transformative climate resilience and sport mega-events – The case of the Australian Open. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 48, 1-14. Artikel 100762.
Giustolisi, A., Benner, M., & Trippl, M. (2023). Smart specialisation strategies: towards an outward-looking approach. European Planning Studies, 31(4), 738-757.
Fastenrath, S., Tavassoli, S., Sharp, D., Raven, R., Coenen, L., Wilson, B., & Schraven, D. (2023). Mission-Oriented Innovation Districts: Towards challenge-led, place-based urban innovation. Journal of cleaner production, 418, Artikel 138079.
Fastenrath, S. (2023). Nach dem „Black Summer“. Australiens Südosten zwischen Wiederaufbau und innovativen regionalen Lösungen. Geographische Rundschau (GR), 75(11), 38-41.
Benner, M. (2023). Making spatial evolution work for all? A framework for inclusive path development. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society (CPES), 16(3), 445-462.
Benner, M. (2023). Revisiting path-as-process: agency in a discontinuity-development model. European Planning Studies, 31(6), 1119-1138.
Benner, M. (2023). System-level agency and its many shades: path development in a multidimensional innovation system. Regional Studies, 58(1), 238-251.
Tödtling, F., Trippl, M., & Desch, V. M. (2022). New directions for RIS studies and policies in the face of grand societal challenges. European Planning Studies, 30(11), 2139-2156.
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