Meetings / Konferenzen

Mergili, M., Fischer, J.-T., Fellin, W., Ostermann, A., & Pudasaini, S. P. (2015). An advanced open source computational framework for the GIS-based simulation of two-phase mass flows and process chains. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, Artikel 3886.

Marchesini, I., Mergili, M., Schneider-Muntau, B., Alvioli, M., Rossi, M., & Guzzetti, F. (2015). Physically-based landslide susceptibility modelling: geotechnical testing and model evaluation issues. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, Artikel 3660.

Rieder, H., Frossard, L., Staehelin, J., Ribatet, M., Di Rocco, S., Maeder, J. A., Peter, T., Davison, A., Weihs, P., & Holawe, F. (2011). A comparison of spatial patterns in mean and extreme values of total ozone at mid-latitudes and the relationship to atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13.