Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc
Ourania Kounadi

Borsci, S., Lehtola, V. V., Nex, F., Yang, M. Y., Augustijn, E-W., Bagheriye, L., Brune, C., Kounadi, O., Li, J., Moreira, J., Nagel, J. V. D., Veldkamp, B., Le, D. V., Wang, M., Wijnhoven, F., Wolterink, J. M., & Zurita-Milla, R. (2023). Embedding artificial intelligence in society: looking beyond the EU AI master plan using the culture cycle. AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication, 38(4), 1465-1484.

Polzin, F., & Kounadi, O. (2021). Adaptive Voronoi Masking: A Method to Protect Confidential Discrete Spatial Data. in K. Janowicz, & J. A. Verstegen (Hrsg.), 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2021) (S. 1:1-1:17). [1] Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik GmbH. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) Band 208

Leitner, M., Glasner, P., & Kounadi, O. (2021). Geographies of Crime. in The Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice (S. 60-63). John Wiley & Sons, Inc..

Zurita-Milla, R., Fakhrurrozi, A., Kounadi, O., George, D., & Hernandez, A. (2021). On the use of mixed-effects models in spatio-temporal machine learning models. in Spatial Data Science meeting 2021

Vallejo Velazquez, M., Kounadi, O., & Podor, A. (2020). Analysis and mapping of crime perception: A quantitative approach of sketch maps. in 23rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science

Georgiadiou, Y., Kounadi, O., & De By, R. (2020). Digital Earth Ethics. in Manual of Digital Earth (S. 785-810). Springer.

Augustijn, E-W., Kounadi, O., Kuznecova, T., & Zurita-Milla, R. (2019). Teaching Agent-Based Modelling and Machine Learning in an integrated way.. Beitrag in 15th Geocomputation 2019: Adventures in GeoComputation.

Zurita-Milla, R., Fakhrurrozi, A., & Kounadi, O. (2019). Using mixed-effect random forest models to capture spatial patterns: a case study on urban crime.. Beitrag in 15th Geocomputation 2019: Adventures in GeoComputation.

Sketch maps and Geographical Cognition: A case study on crime perception

Ourania Kounadi (Vortragende*r)

23 Apr. 2024 → …

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung

Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien
Zimmer: B0518b

T: +43-1-4277-48770