Exploring the effect of landslide mitigation and protection measures under simulated hazard scenarios
Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato (Vortragende*r), Edoardo Carraro (Autor*in), Benedikt Müller (Autor*in), Robert Kanta (Autor*in), Philipp Marr (Autor*in), Martin Mergili (Autor*in) & Thomas Glade (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Geomorphic Hazards and Infrastructure Vulnerability in the Brenner Corridor (Austria – Italy)
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Till Wenzel (Autor*in) & Thomas Glade (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Public
Geomorphic Hazards and the Imperative of Multi-Hazard Assessment for Road Infrastructure in Mountain Areas
Till Wenzel (Vortragende*r), Philipp Marr (Autor*in) & Thomas Glade (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Naturgefahren in verschiedenen Räumen: Gravitative Massenbewegungen von Norwegen bis Niederösterreich
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Public
NoeSLIDE-Long-term Monitoring of slow-moving landslides in Lower Austria
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
NoeSLIDE - Multi-parameter monitoring of different types of landslides in Lower Austria
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Thomas Glade (Autor*in), Robert Kanta (Autor*in), Edoardo Carraro (Autor*in), Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato (Autor*in) & Benedikt Müller (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Insights from the EU Horizon project PARATUS (Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters)
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Thomas Glade (Autor*in), Cees van Westen (Autor*in), Funda Atun (Autor*in), Seda Kundak (Autor*in), Iuliana Armas (Autor*in), Ruxandra Mocanu (Autor*in), Elske de Zeeuw-van-Dalfsen (Vortragende*r), Lotte Savelberg (Autor*in), Silvia Cocuccioni (Autor*in), Marcel Hürlimann (Autor*in), Bettina Koelle (Autor*in) & Jon Hall (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Morphodynamic and palaeoclimatic significance of boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms in Breheimen, South Norway
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Autor*in) & Jörg Löffler (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Morphodynamic and palaeoclimatic significance of boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms in Breheimen, South Norway
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Jörg Löffler (Autor*in) & Stefan Winkler (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters
Cees van Westen (Vortragende*r), Funda Atun (Autor*in), Silvia Cocuccioni (Vortragende*r), Marcel Hürlimann (Vortragende*r), Bettina Koelle (Autor*in), Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Iuliana Armas (Autor*in), Seda Kundak (Autor*in), Elske de Zeeuw-van-Dalfsen (Autor*in), Marc van den Homberg (Autor*in) & Jon Hall (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
The European alpine transport corridor – investigating the systemic impact of compounding disasters within the PARATUS project
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Thomas Glade (Autor*in), Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato (Autor*in), Klaus Gspan (Vortragende*r), Astrid Preißler (Autor*in), Marc Adams (Autor*in), Massimiliano Pittore (Autor*in), Silvia Cocuccioni (Autor*in) & Marcel Hürlimann (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
he potential of boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms as palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic indicators in selected areas of South Norway.
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Autor*in) & Jörg Löffler (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms as palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic indicators in Breheimen, South Norway
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Vortragende*r) & Jörg Löffler (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Landslide Observatories in Austria
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic implications from boulder dominated peri- and paraglacial landforms in two areas of South Norway
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Vortragende*r) & Jörg Löffler (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Projekt [NoeSLIDE] Multi-Parameter Monitoring von unterschiedlichen Typen gravitativer Massenbewegungen in Niederösterreich
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Thomas Glade (Vortragende*r) & Margherita Johanna Stumvoll (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic implications of Holocene boulder-dominated peri- and paraglacial landforms in Rondane, South Norway
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Autor*in), Jörg Löffler (Autor*in) & Svein Olaf Dahl (Autor*in)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Deglaciation chronology in southern Norway following the Last Glacial Maximum
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Deglaciation chronology in southern Norway following the Last Glacial Maximum
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Applying Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) to evaluate the age of periglacial and paraglacial features in southern Norway
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Applying Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) to evaluate the age of periglacial and paraglacial features in southern Norway: Are they footprints of climatic cooling?
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Investigation of alpine blockfields in south western Norway – Implications on the vertical extent of the Late Weichselian ice sheet
Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Creating a EUropean Higher Education Network for a MAster’s Programme in Disaster Management
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Projekt: Forschungsförderung
Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters
1/10/22 → 30/09/26
Projekt: Forschungsförderung
Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien
Zimmer: B0503
T: +43-1-4277-48753