Julia Wesely, Bakk. MSc PhD
T: +43-1-4277-48784
Sommersemester 2025
290017 VU Urban Sustainability Transformations
290061 SE Sustainability Challenge
290075 EX Auslandsexkursion Demokratie und Klimawandelanpassung in Berlin und Wien - Vergleichende Perspektiven zwischen Berlin und Wien auf lokale demokratische Prozesse zur Klimawandelanpassung
290114 SE Städtische Klimawandelanpassung - Begleitseminar Exkursion Berlin-Wien, verpflichtend für ExkursionsteilnehmerInnen
Wintersemester 2024
290058 VU Urban Labs - Ansätze, Methoden, Skills
290102 SE Sustainability Challenge
Sommersemester 2024
MacFarlane, C., Castán Broto, V., Wesely, J., & Bathla, N. (2024). Podcast: Waste and the City. Multimediale Veröffentlichung
Lambert, R., Hofmann, P., Wesely, J., Allen, A., & Labor, A. (2024). Crafting environmental justice through co-learning. in Urban Transformations in Sierra Leone: Knowledge Co-Production and Partnerships for a Just City (S. 225-242). UCL Press, London. https://uclpress.co.uk/book/urban-transformations-in-sierra-leone/
Walker, J., Allen, A., Bakarr Bangura, I., Hofmann, P., Kombe, W., Leblond, N., Mtwangi Limbumba, T., Simoes Mavila Magaia, C., Vouhé, C., & Wesely, J. (2024). Pursuing aspirations for decent sanitation work: How informal workers navigate the universe of rules that shape sanitation practices in urban Africa. in T. Coggin, & R. Madhav (Hrsg.), Mapping Legalities: Urbanisation, Law and Informal Work (S. 205-228). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003384816
Nugraha, E., Wesely, J., Ruszczyk, H. A., de Villiers, I., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Overlooked cities: Shifting the gaze in research and practice in global urban studies. Cities, 133, Artikel 104044. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.104044
Allen, A., & Wesely, J. (2023). Lo que queremos es cambiarlo todo. Film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhjcywzvocU
Allen, A., Wesely, J., Blanes, P., Brandolini, F., Enet, M., Iacovini, R. F. G., Fassina, R., Flores Pacheco, B., Medina, G., Muniz, A., Pérez, S., Pineda, S., Reina, M., Amparo Sánchez Medina, L., & Xavier, J. (2022). Crafting urban equality through grassroots critical pedagogies: weave, sentipensar, mobilize, reverberate, emancipate. Environment and Urbanization, 34(2), 446-464. https://doi.org/10.1177/09562478221115334
Wesely, J., Lall, R., Dutta, N., Anand, G., & Allen, A. (2022). How do we learn now? Pluralising urban pedagogies in the Covid-19 pandemic. Urbanisation, 7(1), 87-98. https://doi.org/10.1177/24557471221111889
Anand, G., Lall, R., Wesely, J., & Allen, A. (2022). Um Entre Muitos: Instituições de ensino superior em um ecossistema de pedagogias urbanas. Educacao and Realidade, 46(4), Artikel e118080. https://doi.org/10.1590/2175-6236118080
Wesely, J. (2021). Towards understanding enabling environments for good practices in disaster risk management: an analysis of critical junctures in Manizales, Colombia. Environment and Urbanization, 33(2), 599-615. https://doi.org/10.1177/09562478211008873
Wesely, J., & Allen, A. (2021). De-colonising pedagogies: Exploring the Geographies of Urban Planning Education Networks. in Transformative Planning: Smarter, Greener and More Inclusive Practices (S. 103-120). Taylor and Francis Inc.. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003178545-9
Wesely, J., Allen, A., Zárate, L., & Emanuelli, M. S. (2021). Generative pedagogies from and for the social production of habitat: Learning from HIC-AL School of grassroots urbanism. plaNext - next generation planning, 11, 26-43. https://doi.org/10.24306/plnxt/72
Wesely, J., Filippi, M. E., & Johnson, C. (2021). Intermediate cities as urban innovators. An analysis of disaster risk management in Santa Fe, Argentina, and Manizales, Colombia. in H. A. Ruszczyk, E. Nugraha, & I. de Villiers (Hrsg.), Overlooked Cities. Power, Politics and Knowledge Beyond the Urban South (S. 85-105). Routledge.
Allen, A., Cocina, C., & Wesely, J. (2020). Habitat International Coalition. Networked practices, knowledges and pedagogies for translocal housing activism. Radical Housing Journal, 2(2), 181-192. https://doi.org/10.54825/ZKPZ4893
Wesely, J. (2019). Critical junctures in the development of an urban laboratory for integrated risk management: The case of the medium-sized city of Manizales in the Colombian Andes. in M. A. Burayidi, A. Allen, J. Twigg, & C. Wamsler (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience (1 Aufl.). Routledge.
Allen, A., Zilbert Soto, L., & Wesely, J. (2018). De las agencias estatales a los ciudadanos comunes: Una mirada crítica a las inversiones en mitigación de riesgos y su impacto para interrumpir las trampas de riesgo urbano en Lima, Perú. Medio ambiente y urbanización, 89(1).
Allen, A., Zilbert Soto, L., Wesely, J., Belkow, T., Ferro, V., Lambert, R., Langdown, I., & Samanamú, A. (2017). From state agencies to ordinary citizens: reframing risk-mitigation investments and their impact to disrupt urban risk traps in Lima, Peru. Environment and Urbanization, 29(2), 477-502. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956247817706061
Allen, A., Belkow, T., Escalante Estrada, C., de los Ríos, S., Kamiya, M., Lambert, R., Miranda, L., Wesely, J., & Zilbert Soto, L. (2017). DE LA MITIGACIÓN DE DESASTRES A LA INTERRUPCIÓN DE TRAMPAS DE RIESGO: LA EXPERIENCIA DE APRENDIZAJE-ACCIÓN DE CLIMA SIN RIESGO. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reduccion del Riesgo de Desastres, 1(1), 6-28. https://doi.org/10.55467/reder.v1i1.2
Tinch, R., Jäger, J., Omann, I., Harrison, P. A., Wesely, J., & Dunford, R. (2015). Applying a capitals framework to measuring coping and adaptive capacity in integrated assessment models. Climatic Change, 128(3-4), 323-337. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-014-1299-5
Defending and Promoting Habitat Rights Through Popular Pedagogies
Julia Wesely (Vortragende*r) & Adriana Allen (Vortragende*r)
24 Juli 2024
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Time to Walk the Talk: Forefronting Local and Regional Government Actions to Achieve SDG11
Julia Wesely (Vortragende*r) & Adriana Allen (Vortragende*r)
12 Juni 2024
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Public
Integrales Naturgefahrenmanagement als Chance für nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung
Julia Wesely (Vortragende*r)
16 Mai 2024
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Public
Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien
Zimmer: B0502
T: +43-1-4277-48784