
Bachelor & Master thesis topics


  • 1. Perceived versus actual unsafe areas and the link to people’s activity spaces.

    Objective: To examine whether spatial patterns of daily routes are associated with the gap between perceived and actual unsafe areas.

    Keywords: Spatial statistics, crime analysis, perception gaps, population at risk

    Acquire, develop, and apply knowledge on:

    • Spatial Groupings
    • Point Pattern Analysis
    • Logistic Regression
    • Statistical Testing
  • 2. Social Media and Location Privacy: what can tweets reveal?

    Objective: To develop an algorithm that assesses inference attacks from semantic place-based signatures compared to inference attacks from spatial signatures; both derived from LBSN data. The motivation and goal of this topic is to raise awareness of the hidden risks to individual privacy by the extensive use of LBSNs.  

    Keywords: inference attacks, location privacy, semantic signatures, location-based social networks

    Acquire, develop, and apply knowledge on:

    • Python or R programming
    • Processing of LBSN data
    • Location inference algorithms
    • Geo-localisation algorithms
    • Data quality
  • 3. Data protection of health geodata and its impact on spatial analysis.

    Objective: To investigate different strategies for privacy protection of health geodata and asses their effects when performing spatial and statistical analysis.

    Keywords: data protection, location privacy, health geography, spatial analysis, spatial error

    Acquire, develop, and apply knowledge on:

    • Data protection strategies
    • Literature on health geography
    • Anonymization techniques
    • Spatial statistical analysis
  • 4. k-Voronoi Masking: a method to protect confidential discrete spatial data.

    Objective: To develop a spatial algorithm that anonymizes confidential discrete spatial data by mitigating the re-identification risk and the confidence to identify.

    Keywords: location privacy, geoprivacy, geographical masking, k-anonymity, spatial error

    Acquire, develop, and apply knowledge on:

    • Python and ArcPy package
    • K-anonymity algorithms
    • Spatial statistical analysis
  • 5. Short Vs Long term spatial crime forecasting using autoregressive models.

    Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of short-term versus long-term forecasting of crime in space when applying autoregressive models.

    Keywords: predictive policing, forecasting, spatio-temporal statistics, autoregressive models

    Acquire, develop, and apply knowledge on:

    • Predictive policing
    • Spatial regressive models
    • Autoregressive models
    • Space-time regressive models
    • R Programming
  • 6. Exploring Space-Time Autoregressive models for the prediction of future crime hotspots.

    Objective: To test and evaluate the ability of space-time autoregressive models to forecast crime hotspots.

    Keywords: predictive policing, forecasting, spatio-temporal statistics, autoregressive models

    Acquire, develop, and apply knowledge on:

    • Predictive policing
    • Spatial regressive models
    • Autoregressive models
    • Space-time regressive models
    • R Programming
  • 7. Introducing spatial dependence in machine learning models.

    Objective: To develop a geographical modelling approach that accounts for spatial autocorrelation by introducing spatial features to traditional machine learning models.

    Keywords: geographical modelling, machine learning, predictive analytics, spatial autocorrelation, spatial dependence.

    Acquire, develop, and apply knowledge on:

    • Spatial Statistics
    • Supervised learning
    • Validation and performance evaluation
    • Python programming

Ongoing Supervision

  • Bögl Lukas: Introducing Spatial Heterogeneity via Regionalization Methods in Machine Learning Models for Geographical Prediction: A Spatially Conscious Paradigm. - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc
  • Heusequin Robby: Protecting sensitive location information for mobile fitness applications with spatial k-anonymity. - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc
  • Kovacevic Aldina: Dynamic Anonymization for textual location information and digital traces derived therefrom in metropolitan areas: (a) protective software application(s) for sensitive user data. - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc
  • Lehner Eva: Evaluation of the analytical error and utility restrictions of data protection strategies applied to health geodata. - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc
  • Sedrani Michel: Testing „The Law of Crime Concentration at Place” and its effects by crime type, study area size, and unit of analysis - A case study in three Hungarian Cities - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc

Completed Supervision

  • Karl Johanna: Assessing the bikeability of the city of Vienna using the NetAScore toolbox for sustainable mobility. x+125 Seiten, 46 Abb, 10 Tab, 33 Seiten Anhang . - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc (2023)
  • Larcher Daniel: Exploring the predictive performance of space-time autoregressive models in different temporal resolutions. xi+94 Seiten, 68 Abb, 20 Tab, 26 S. Anhang - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc (2022) Thesis
  • Noll Isabella: A survey on re-identification of geographical masked data using human cognition. Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi (2023)
  • Rath Rebekka: Geographic Profiliga in Austria. 99 Seiten , 6 Abb, 18 Tab - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc (2023) Thesis
  • Treitler Lorenz: Multidimensional Spatio-Temporal Change - DBSCAN (MDSTC-DBSCAN): A new spatiotemporal clustering technique for the segmentation of transaction prices submarkets. A case study in Vienna. 83 Seiten, 22 Abb, 12 Tab, 8 S. Anhang - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc (2023) Thesis
  • Wallach Valeria: Investigating the risk of spatial re-identification of health geodata from ESDA outputs of confidential versus masked geodata. x+106 Seiten, 49 Abb, 7 Tab, 42 Seiten Anhang. - Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ourania Kounadi, BSc MSc